Negative feedback is valuable. Especially for systems to remain in balance. To reduce fluctuations in the output. A negative feedback is a self-regulatory system. But you need to add energy to keep the process going. In positive feedback systems, triggered process continues by itself and even releases energy.
The dynamics of work are similar. Sometimes, our work is draining our energy and we can only move forward if we put more and more energy into it. But sometimes it is the opposite. Once we get into the flow-of-work, it is as if the work itself gains momentum, pulling us along and energising us. Isn’t this kind of work is what we all look for?
A good flow-of-work can turn into a virtuous circle. Positive experience motivating us to take the next task with ease. Helps us get better at our work. Adds fluency and brings mastery over time. But if you feel stuck-in-the-work, demotivation occupies the mind-space. More likely you tend to procrastinate. Leading you to lose more and look for interventions. More burden on the system.
Attempts to trick with pay-backs, rewards and reinforcements are short-term-fixes. Nothing like a positive-feedback-loop. When work itself becomes rewarding, the dynamics of motivation and reward become self-sustainable. This propels the whole process forward. Feels like you are on auto-pilot.
If you want to help yourself or someone around you with positive-feedback, praise the work. Quality of the impact and the magic it creates. Not the person. Then you are letting the work to carry you forward. Helps people develop a true-growth-mindset. Else, the person might get stuck with the self-image. They might do everything to protect that image and develop a fixed-mindset. Instead of producing more good work and becoming better at it.
Using feedback as a growth tool is as essential as using it for balance.
What’s your way of using the feedback-tool?