Debt : The Lizard

Debt, like dependency and depression is very provocative. Getting into debt might happen very naturally – just that instinct of trying something out, wanting to prove a point to someone or the urge to experience an avoidable luxury… anything that is not essentially important beyond the point of stretch.

Living on debt is not yet a mastered art. So, getting out of debt is the only option to live on. Unfortunately, working hard may not be enough to dig way out of the hole and could just contribute to the problem. Freezing and ignoring the debt monster will also not help. Debt is vast, short-sighted lizard that might just run over if not eat in full. LizardGetting out of the way is the only possible alternate.

The first thing to do is to recognize it and stop pretending it’s not there. If there is any quick fix means of cutting debt down to size, then should be done immediately. Delay in acting will make quick fixes disappear faster than one can imagine – that is the power of this monster!

Coming clean is the first step towards coming up with solutions. Talking to experts and well-wishers in confidence, working on a systematic debt exist plan including reconstruction of repayment mode and schedule will help a lot.

Your debt is not unique. Sharing the load will help move swiftly and continuously towards a safe zone. The first, and hardest, step is to stop the denial and address the problem.