Tricks of the trade!

Don’t waste time learning
the “tricks of the trade”.
Instead, learn the trade!

Best advice for all those bystanders who are perennially trying to learn something thoroughly before plunging into it! It is true that education doesn’t stop because you got a degree. Or because you didn’t.

Known fact is that we’re all learning as we go, and anyone who wants to make themselves marketable and successful will look for ways of consolidating that learning into skills or qualifications that are recognizable and understandable to others!

If you have a skill that others want, then you have a solid foundation of your own on which to build your career. But when it comes to unbounded professions like that of a consultant, a strategist or a trade that provides services to someone else and on someone else’s product or service, the skill and its relevance changes almost real-time!

Continuous learning on-the-job is the best option to remain relevant and contribute significantly. Wasting time to learn offline, every trick of the new trade is like wasting the opportunity.

This happens with most technical people in the current generation of IT world where we will find many folks with over two decades of experience covering over 20 different technology/ projects!

Quick test for our habits comes through this:

When you have two doors open – one to enter the fantasy land you have been dreaming all along and the other to pickup the book that describes everything about this fantasy land, which one do you take instantly?