Visual Thinking : Essential Tool for Strategy & Execution!

It is very useful to communicate visually so that the audience appreciate, accept and act accordingly. But the difficulty many of us face is in thinking visually!

In every strategy related discussions, it becomes important to paint the picture of tomorrow in a compelling fashion and then find a way to complete it with specific actions.

To help achieve the objective of putting together a cohesive, executable strategy, all stakeholders should be engaged thoroughly in the act of drawing the picture, first.

Design thinking and visual thinking tools & methods help a lot in achieving this purpose. One of the very useful formats is to just use plain paper or a white board and draw a story.

Business on the back of a Napkin provides an insight into the art and science of visual thinking.

Explore, Experiment and Engage your audience (including yourself) in visual thinking for best utilization of everyone’s expertise in a structured, counter-intuitive manner!
