Who is good for your business?
Performance in simplistic terms is a function of two key factors ability and willingness!
Ability to perform is something to do with physical constraint of an individual like that of lifting 200 kgs of weight, fasting for 21 consecutive days, Singing for 48 hrs, working for 80 hrs a week, etc
Willingness to perform is to do with the inherent interest to contribute cheerful compliance to the job!
If one is willing, they can find ways to build the ability to perform. However, lack of willingness can only guarantee below par results – irrespective of the latent ability!
Who is good for your business highly willing but not so able guy or highly capable but not so willing type?
It depends on what is your business if it is people centric, keep and invest on the first type and shamelessly weed out highly capable but not willing ones! They might be best suited for political parties, I guess! They will add lot of weight, as long as someone can lift them!