We conform to common usage because we find it convenient and safe. Once we have conformed, we like those who come after us to conform to it too, so that we can continue to feel comfortable and safe in their company!
Follow the current, do as all do and think what all think. Be one with the crowd, and you will see what the crowd sees and reach where the crowd reaches. This is good enough for most people in easy acquiescence, but will leave unsatisfied the eyes that can see more and the feet that are eager to walk farther.
Most peoples journey through life is a conducted tour! They look where they are told to look and they see what they are told to see. They go where they are taken and they stay there while they are kept there. Willful obedience to a pre-arranged & time tested routine. Follow your guide and you will be safe. Look at his little flag and you will not be lost
Never mind if you miss the thrill of discovery and the personal experience of the wonder of life. You will be safely back at scheduled place on the scheduled time!
Convenient, no doubt. Prepaid, programmed, guaranteed. But for the same reason, uninspiring and commonplace! The picture postcard are the same for every tourist, the souvenirs cheap and repeated. However marvelous the country may be, there is hardly a knowledge of a new land, any contact with new people when one has travelled in the insured isolation of a conducted tour!
Fortunately, the door is still open and the way is cleared for those who want to explore life on their own, travel unusual paths and let themselves be surprised by the turns of the mind, the skylines of the spirit and the landscapes of the soul.
They are ready to travel alone, to risk danger and brave hardships; they love adventure and trust their heart in the bewildering maze that life on earth is. They are perpetual pioneers who, while respecting the group and recognizing the advantages of a common trip, choose for themselves the legitimate privilege of a personal search.
They like to experience the feel of new soil under bare feet, they love to breathe new air and taste new food, they welcome the gentle panic of getting lost for a while in an alien land. Tourism on a shoestring budget. Hitchhiking on the roads that lead to heaven. The days of the great explorers are not over yet!
Social Entrepreneurs are one such class of explorers with a deep rooted passion to act as change catalysts! Bootstrapping is their business model, society is their resource pool, service is their product; sustainability and inclusive growth their mission! They make full use of the power of non-conformance in the business world!
Interestingly, any dreamer doer in the crowd – be part of an organization as an employee or an employer can be an explorer for good! Then the boundary the conformance setup will become organic one that expands as the organization expands! This helps in ensuring sustainability of any organization!
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