Silence is a graceful, yet very powerful tool. We have seen it work wonders in every negotiation. The most silent man wins – not just the deal but a true loving relationship. But witnessing the power of silence in any relationship is so refreshing!
On my journey from Chicago to New Delhi… a long flight, quite a few small children traveling with their mother, father or grand parent – a common scene.
Next to me were a mother and a six/seven year old son. After all the busy talking, watching, eating… comes the sleep time! Kid is tucked into the seat with a blanket, head rest and soft comfy pillow… Minutes pass by…
“Mum, I can’t sleep!” he said.
“Oh, you can’t sleep, Hmmm,” his mother replied. She stopped, looked at him with compassion and waited. A full minute passed without a word.
At last the kid spoke. “I think I’ll put on my favorite pyjamas,” he said. “Then I’ll sleep better.” And off he went to sleep!
The smile on the face of the mother – spoke a lot!
It’s not always easy to let those you love experience pain, frustration or anger. Natural tendency is to relieve their problems instead of letting them find their own solutions.
Silent support can provide a fertile ground where other person’s solutions begin to grow!
Silence is not withdrawal. It is a form of respect – equivalent to saying “I’m here for you, but I’m not going to get in your way!”
Reminds me of my father’s advice : “Try to be a Composer!”
A composer knows that the space between the notes is as important as the notes themselves!
Our silence can bring better expression and harmony than the words we choose!
This is an excellent narration and like the quotes “Silence is not withdrawal”. I also have the same opinion on this point as people grow they have to be study the power of silence. Silence is in fact a technique to someone offer a opportunity to rethink, it doesn’t mean I am agree with you. This is a very powerful weapons and with this we can win any battle.
Thanks, Ravi. So true.